2011 Messiah Lax Team

2011 Messiah Lax Team

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Lottie Darkside

Two days ago, a couple of us had the privilege, of sitting on the dark side of lottie. If you don't know where that is, it is in the far end beyond the salad bar and what looks like speed dating tables. We noticed a few peculiar things about that side of lottie, check them out after the jump.

1. When we first sat down, we witnessed a NARP doing "burpees" or "up-downs". After attempting two, he was beat red in the face and about to heel over. His lady friend was worried and jumped up out of her seat to try to catch him.

2. Secondly, there was a girl (probably from Lancastervilleburgh) who was banging spoons off her knee trying to make some sort of music. Her friend was staring at her in amazement while bumping her head to the sick spoon beats.

3. Lastly, we see that there is a wall decorated with different sports of MC. They had every sport (including frisbee, golf, and tennis) but they did not have lacrosse. They even had BASEBALL! This just solidifies my theory that MC loves baseball and hates lax, which I've already talked about.

All in all, don't sit on the dark side unless you're looking for an interesting, new experience and people who stare at you like you don't belong. If you do sit there, wear goggles or a cape.....or have a good idea of how to play Dungeons and Dragons.

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