2011 Messiah Lax Team

2011 Messiah Lax Team

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Westside Story

Hello or as JJ would prefer to say in mandarin, 您好

Today is Wednesday Westside Story day. Check out what today's story is after the jump.

The Bunny Who Lost its Way

The day was Monday, August 20, 2011 when Paul and I (Brian) were having a nice relaxing meal at THE Lottie Nelson Dining Hall Experience. While we were engaged in our meal, none other than Kayla and Leah (Cecilia) come up to the two of us with about a two foot long box. We think nothing of it until we see two white ears pop up out of the box. Out of curiosity, we both look in the box and fall in love with the Abominable Snowman aka patches aka marty aka snowball aka LA boof aka (my least favorite) shiloh. We decide that this furry little bunny is so much better than a dog and it can help us pick up chicks. We proceeded to carry the rabbit around for the next couple hours showing it to everyone we see. (Paul was so in love with it that he told two RD's that we were in possession of a small furry creature.) I even went so far to stuff my pockets full of spinach so that LA boof could have some of lottie's scrumptious food. Later that night I was talking to some people and noticed that my butt was wet. "Did I sit on water?" I thought to myself... I go back to the room while Paul is screaming that there is a wet spot on our futon from the furry pee machine. So guess what was all over my shorts and underwear and shirt.

After this, I disliked this animal more than Coach dislikes when a sidearm goal goes in the back of the net. I freaked out and changed my clothes and tried selling the stupid fur ball on eBay, craigslist, pawn stars, etc. I even lied and said that my roommate was allergic...My power-selling skills failed me and I resorted to giving it away FO' FREE.

Bunny for sale

The next day Paul and I (Brian) thought that we would go visit our Godson. Then all of a sudden while Paul was nurturing it, dark colored pellets starting dropping out of its bottom. Paul quickly threw the bunny on the ground and it continued to blow chunks all over the floor. We then made an executive decision to get rid of the furry animal. Within the next hour, our cute, soft, white, chick magnet was in someone else's hands. We raised it for a day and it learned so much from us, it was time for it to move on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Im not gonna say I told you so, but I told you so.

  3. "... I disliked this animal more than Coach Weisenborn dislikes when a sidearm goal goes in the back of the net." -ha ha ha ha
