2011 Messiah Lax Team

2011 Messiah Lax Team

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Flavor of the Week

Tonight at the library, Brossiah found a new, interesting way to study in the overcrowded library. This young lady happened to be on the girl's lacrosse team. Sooooo, she is our....... FLAVOR OF THE WEEK.   The girl's lax team has a blog (http://22strongflavors.blogspot.com/) that they started after Brossiah, and once every blue moon they name a "Flavor of the Week."  Therefore, Brossiah is saving them some time and effort by making a flavor for them. Check it out after the jump.

P.S. Girls, you are welcome for the shout out to 22 Flavors.

Name: Carly Bajus
Position: Midfield
Major: She's a freshmen, so it's probably "Undecided".
Flavor or Flavors: "I do what I want." "I'm a freshmen, I don't know where to sit." "Who took my cubicle?"

Thank you weiodjfkv4lxgq9a for the photo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Classic, first they steal our idea for a scavenger hunt, now they steal our blog idea. Pretty soon their gonna be Hallowienerolloffing and competing in the high dive.
